Yesterday I Will Remember You, 2022

Yesterday I Will Remember You, 2022, 305mm x 225mm each, high flow acrylic and thread on cotton canvas
Some of my family pictures represent memories that I no longer have, or that I can only depict as loose abstractions of shade and color. Others evoke crystal-clear moments, like sitting beside my mom in the kitchen, as she unintentionally stitched my childhood memories on a piece of cloth that would end up in someone else’s closet. Some quasi-imaginative memories appear in my mind repeatedly as a photograph, and force their way into a canvas in an urge for materialization. What is a memory? Is it what we experience, or mostly the story we create to explain it? This work explores the different levels of remembrance and connection that I have with certain moments of my past. As memories are attempts to fill in the gaps of our spiritual worlds, I invite the viewer to imagine their own with mine.